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The ultimate guide to preventing and removing underarm stains naturally  by schmindt´s naturals


Stains can happen. Sometimes it’s a matter of your body chemistry reacting to a product. Other times, it's a top-heavy glass of wine. And occasionally, you might get a little carried away and overapply your deodorant or lotion. 


The good news is, many types of staining can be prevented with some minor tweaks to your routine. Not to worry—underarm stains aren’t really all that complicated, and

they’re often pretty easy to remove if you do have them. Let's take a closer look at how to prevent stains, and how to remove them when they crop up.


CHECK THE INGREDIENTS Aluminum-based compounds found in antiperspirant products are sometimes said to be a culprit in the world of sweat stains, because aluminum compounds can bond with your body’s natural urea found in your sweat, leading to those classic yellow underarm stains we know all too well. Ew. Since you’re here, we’ll assume you’ve already eliminated aluminum, or are at least thinking about it. Congrats! And welcome to the world of natural deodorant.


APPLY WHEN DRY Water and deodorant don’t go together. Mixing them makes staining more likely, so give your underarms a break and dry them before applying.


DON’T GO OVERBOARD With products like Schmidt’s, you don’t need to apply much. Really. This way, you avoid applying excess product which can get mixed up in the fabric of your clothing. If you get a little carried away, just gently wipe any excess product away with a soft cloth.


MAXIMIZE FAST ABSORPTION A smooth, even application is key to getting the most out of your deo, and helps prevent the need to reapply throughout the day. A little warmth goes a long way to ensure full coverage without excess. With Schmidt’s, try holding the stick momentarily under your arm to soften on contact with body heat before applying. If using our jars, soften the product completely between the fingers before applying to achieve the same result.


LET THOSE UNDERARMS BREATHE If you wear loose, natural materials, and avoid tight-fitting synthetics, you’ll be more likely to have better luck avoiding stains.


The dreaded stain.  Accidents happen. No worries! Here are some simple suggestions for cutting through those stubborn stains, without using all of the controversial ingredients that are sometimes found in conventional stain removers.

  • METHOD 1: THE BAKING SODA BATH This is perfect for stopping the spread of fresh stains, Sprinkle the stain with baking soda to remove any loose oils. Give it a few minutes as the baking soda absorbs excess oils, then lightly brush off with an absorbent cloth. Soak the garment in distilled white vinegar for about 15 minutes, rinse, and scrub with liquid dish soap before washing. Baking soda=magic? Who knew!?
  • METHOD 2: THE PEROXIDE POWERHOUSE This trick works wonders when treating stains that have already set, and gives your laundry routine a stain-fighting boost. Soak the stained garment in a mix of 50/50 water and hydrogen peroxide for 30 minutes.  Add 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide to your laundry after the washer has filled with water. Voila!
  • METHOD 3: THE YELLOW STAIN ELIMINATOR This is ideal for eliminating the yellow stains we sometimes notice after sweat mixes with antiperspirant. Whip up a paste of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda--not too thin, but not gloppy, either. Rub into the stain, leave on for about 5 minutes, then launder as usual. Hasta la vista, stainy.


You can read more about schmidt´s naturals and your armpits here https://organicbeautysupply.dk/blog/1-about-schmidts-naturals-and-your-armpits/

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