KLAPP ion dry brush supports physical and mental well-being with an energetic and revitalizing massage. Positive ions reduce external energy supply.
The goal is to establish an energy balance through negatively charged ions (anions).

Dry brushing the skin with the KLAPP ion dry brush generates these anions in a simple and effective way.
Effect and mode of operation:
Removes the dead skin cells
Achieve soft and delicious skin
Relaxing massage
Immune-enhancing effect
Increased blood circulation
Activated the lymphatic system
Balancing ions are transferred to the body
And it all takes only 5 minutes on the body and 2 minutes on the face
After the treatment, you must drink 1-2 glasses of water to further boost the cleansing process.
KLAPP Cosmetics ion dry brush is made of beech wood. The brushes consist of copper wires (copper zinc alloy) in the middle part of the brush and pure natural black horse hair on the outside.
NOTE: Do not use the brush if you are allergic to copper, zinc and horsehair.
Copper is naturally antibacterial, so there is no need to clean your ionic body brush the same way you might clean a regular brush.
To keep your brush clean, we recommend that you turn the bristles downwards and hold it over the sink, and tap it lightly on the upper side so that the dead skin cells loosen into the sink, this can be done after each use.
Never wash your ionic body and face brush with water or soap.