ActiGreen organic green tea with fresh peppermint is registered as a dietary supplement.
The tea tastes initially, still a little of the green tea, but is immediately replaced by the lovely and fresh peppermint taste.
Recommended daily dosage for adults:
3 letters (3 cups) in connection with a meal.
The daily dose should not be exceeded.
The extract can be dissolved in both hot and cold water.
How to do it:
Each sachet contains powder for one cup of green tea
Pour the powder into 80-85° hot water, stir and the tea is ready
The powder can also be dissolved in cold water if you wish
Dietary supplements should not take the place of a varied diet
Green tea contributes to the absorption of the mineral iron, therefore you should not take iron supplements at the same time
Stagger intake between ActiGreen and iron supplements by 2-3 hours
ActiGreen should not be taken on an empty stomach
Do not consume ActiGreen if you consume other products containing green tea on the same day
Should not be consumed by pregnant, lactating women and young people under 18 years of age
Do not consume 800 mg or more of (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate EGCG), equivalent to 12 letters
Keep out of the reach of small children
Ingredients: Dry irrigation extract of Green Tea (Camellia Sinensis*) and peppermint extract - *=organic
Substances with physiological effects: 1 letter contains 3 letters contain
(Used daily dose)
Total Catechins: 165 mg 495 mg
Of this
(-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate EGCG), 66 mg 198 mg
Caffeine 33 mg 99 mg
Green tea comes from the same plant as black tea, white tea and oolong tea. The tea plant, which has the fine Latin name Camellia Sinensis, is typically referred to as the tea bush, but botanically it is not a bush at all, but rather a tree. If you let the "tea bush" grow wild, it will be able to reach a height of more than 20 meters!
The reason why the tea tree is referred to as the tea bush is because the tree is constantly cut down in height, so that it is easier to pick the tea leaves.
What distinguishes the different types of tea is the way the tea leaves are treated after they have been picked.
Immediately after the tea leaves are picked from the tea bush, they are transported to the tea factory, where the leaves are heat treated and dried. Unlike Black tea, the tea leaves retain their greenish color after heat treatment and drying has taken place. After this, the tea is basically ready for use.
It is worth noting that the tea that is called White tea is in principle Green Tea. White tea is made in much the same way as green tea, but only newly sprouted tea leaves and buds are used. White tea got its name because the leaves are provided with white down that looks like silver needles, therefore White tea is also called Silver Tips.
Red tea, Chamomile tea and herbal tea have nothing to do with tea. These products originate from completely different plants, but have probably been called tea because they are prepared in the same way as real tea.
Organic ActiGreen tea extract with peppermint flavor is made on the basis of green tea from Asia. The extracts are produced in Germany, where the producer controls the tea plantations that supply the tea and analyzes the tea.
Retail price in Euro | 18,11 |
Content | 40 pcs |
Colli | 24 pcs |
Country of Origin | Denmark |
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